
Active Adventures:

Sports & Exploration

From exciting sports competitions like football and basketball to thrilling theme park adventures and field trips, students at King’s Cross Academy stay active while having fun. These activities help students build teamwork, stay healthy, and experience learning beyond the classroom in exciting new environments.

Building Skills for the Future:

Education & Teamwork

With activities like education counseling, campus tours, and team building, students are guided in planning their future, developing important life skills, and working well with others. These experiences are designed to prepare them for academic success and personal growth, ensuring they’re ready to take on challenges.

Celebrating Creativity & Culture:

Fun for Everyone

Students can unleash their creativity through cooking sessions, festive celebrations, and learning about different cultures. Whether they’re learning to make new dishes, celebrating holidays, or exploring diverse traditions, these activities promote creativity, understanding, and a sense of community.

Co-Curricular Activities